Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Things just get funnier and funnier around here. Last night Dean was in his bed falling asleep (he's been doing so without the screaming fits lately) when he called to me. I went in to see if he needed to get covered up or something. When I got there he looked at me very seriously and said, "Mop, I need dohtor." "Really," I replied, "why?" "My eye hert." Maybe he does need a doctor. 

This morning my big boy toddler who has so much trouble falling asleep and staying asleep closed his eyes tight and said, "Mop! I stiw sweepin! You leabe me awone!" Really it cracked me up because we spend so much energy trying to get him to stay asleep and there I am trying to wake the poor thing up. Also, it always cracks me up when he calls me Mop.

Then later this morning, after sneaking various moments to climb on chairs and hang items for Open House next week, I almost got caught. My principal did a walk through just as I was stepping down and helping a student with their work. A few minutes later we left for lunch. It was at this time that my foot slipped off of the ledge of our sidewalk and I landed flat on my face in front of 40 third graders. I had fractured my ankle. I guess I had it coming. Luckily for me my principal had not gone too far because he had to treck back and help my title one aide hoist my not so skinny, just had a baby butt into a stinkin' wheelchair. Karma!

Ok, so the last paragraph wasn't very funny. It sucked! IT HURT! I have enough to deal with without the pain of crutches! WOES ME! WAAAA! Pity party is over and it's time to pick myself up and keep trucking.

Thank goodness I have a goofy toddler to do this with. He just walked over to tell me good night. Then turned and bent over to tell my crutches good night and gave them a very gentle kiss. Goof!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I've had so much to blog about. ?Usually that means that life is too busy happening to stop and blog. I've forgotten most of the funny things that have been happening and will have to do some sort of picture update later.

Jack is starting to crawl. He mostly does a backwards army crawl. Although, yesterday he did push his way forward once.

We spent Spring Break visiting as many grandparents as we could squeeze in both at our  house and down in San Diego. We also spent the week with a timer. Dean sat on the potty every hour, but only actually went potty at rest stops (because they're so cool) and once last night. Can't say I haven't been trying though.

A snapshot from this morning:

I needed to use the bathroom, so I placed a wide awake Jack in his crib to play (safe place) and left Dean to keep building blocks out in the livingroom. Just as I sat down I heard Jack crying and Dean saying "Mop! Mop! Pick up my brudder!" Can't a woman just pee! I mean really! Dean had taken the few seconds it took me to walk down the hall to the bathroom and dropped a clock on Jack's head. He's got a little bump, but I think he'll be ok. Oh, yeah, and Mop is my newest of nicknames from my son. Don't know why, he knows how to say mom. Goofy.