And so I'll start with some short stories.
Yesterday the boys had a busy morning while grandma and great grandma Ellen came to watch them so that I could go to my newest ankle doctor. The doctor will not be sending me for more physical therapy just yet. He'd like to wait another 6 weeks and see what nature does. I get that. I still ache, but it is getting better as I go. I told him I was feeling impatient and wanted to be back to normal again and he said it might take the full year for this one. A full year. That's how long it takes to completely recover from childbirth. Exceot for the occasional tweak when I over do it, my tummy muscles feel just fine. Why the long healing ankle? Science is interesting.
Lucas is back in Canada again after his week off. It went by fast and we miss him, but the transition seems to be smoother this time around. Like with everything in our lives, we'll probably settle in finally just as he gets to move back home.
Last night when Dean was talking himself to sleep he suddenly yelled, "Daddy, I plant flowers with Mop today!" He's been yelling things at the top of his lungs that he wants to tell his daddy. Sometimes I think that he's loud enough that daddy can probably hear him.
I am in a writing funk.It's become more difficult to write because of my fear of how people will interpret things. Will they see my story as funny? Will they decide I am just a whiner and I need to grow up? Can I sometimes write about a tough time and have it just be that, a tough time worth sharing? And with that and another crummy's a wonderful picture of my Jack that was sent to me.

He says a few words and phrases, loves to talk on the phone, and is still trying desperately to walk. Yeah, that's right, he's a real ladies man.
my vote: your blogs are funny! sincere and a great way to keep a log of all the wonderful happens. :-)
Your blogs are not whiny. They are a glimpse into your life. Life isn't always perfect and happy. How boring would that be?
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