Sunday, November 9, 2008

Frustration Sets In

Last night I really thought I was going to have the baby. I had contractions every 3 to 5 minutes starting at 8:30 p.m. and they HURT. Lucas and I went to the birthing center while mom watched Dean. I wasn't making any more progress since my exam on Thursday, so they sent me home to get some rest until it got "more intense". About 4:30 this morning, it got less intense. Now I'm back to 6 minute contractions that take my breath away, but aren't painful. The wait continues...


Anonymous said...

oh darling....I wish he were here and you weren't having to go through this.

Much love,

Julie said...

Holy Cow can they not do anything for you like pitocin to get the baby OUT. You are such a trooper. I hope today is the day.

anna said...

Just tell him his Aunt said to get out! I mean business!

Yeah, my kids don't buy that line either. He resembles Allison already.