Saturday, September 13, 2008

Not so Robust

When I was a department store today a woman stopped me to ask about Dean's age. When I told her that he was 1 1/2 her jaw dropped and she actually gasped. As she started to look embarrassed about her reaction, I quickly laughed and told her I knew he was rather large. Apparently she was hoping to compare him to the size of her 4 year old grandson so she'd know what size clothes to get for him. She said that Dean was much taller. I guess we weren't much help. She did say something about how he must be healthy and robust...

Funny that later in the evening he broke out in some funky face rash and started telling me that his ear hurt. Then he began vomiting up a storm. With all of his illnesses (mostly ears), I can't help but think that my little monkey isn't so robust after all.

Also this: We were at the department store Christmas shopping. I think that's my way of nesting, because I know I won't be able to go shopping much once the baby comes...then a month later it's Christmas. What a nerd! I am finding some gifts on sale. I also bought Dean's presents already with him right there with me. By Christmas he'll have forgotten all about them I suppose. We got a toy phone, vacuum, and one of those boxes with the holes in different shapes to match the cubes in different shapes to. Already I want to pull them out and let him play with them because I'm curious if he'll like them or not.


Anonymous said...

google up migranes in young children ....vomiting is a sympton in toddles, according to to what I heard last week.


Anonymous said...

aack! a flash back!

I was about 8 or 9 and our mother gave us just enough money to get into the movies (no money for treats). I had 10 cents. When I got to the ticket booth they insisted that I pay 25 because I couldn't possibly be under 12 or whatever the age limit was. My big sister arugued with them and they finally let me in...but the whole afternoon was ruined - I was mortified forever.

I was teased a lot for being so tall and it was only until after that I grew up that I started to feel comfortable with my height. Thank goodness you have boys so it won't be so much of an issue for them.

none the worse for wear after 60 years...