Tuesday, August 26, 2008

When It Rains

The past few days have been rather hectic with my setting up of a new classroom, again, and starting a brand new class, also again. Just when I thought I was so exhausted that I couldn't possibly add one more thing to my list, God reminded me of the strength I have in Him and that anything is possible.

Dean was up all night with a HORRIBLE fever and what turned out to be yet another ear infection. Poor, poor boy. After some crazy scheduling to get Lucas to work and back and me to work for the day, I went and taught my new 3rd graders. At the end of a challenging day, I went to get in my truck and run home to my boys. Only...the truck wouldn't start. The battery was D-E-A-D, dead, deeeaaad! I couldn't get a hold of my dearest husband, my emergency roadside assistance card had expired, I had no water, and it was over 100 degrees.

But, I had a win today. Lucas gallantly dragged my poor sick son over to my school and jump started the truck about an hour later. While I took Dean home, that same husband who spent an entire day with a screaming toddler, two hours in the doctors office with same screaming toddler, and had also been up ALL NIGHT LONG!, went to my favorite burger joint bought us a yummy dinner and surprised me with a milk shake. Not just any milkshake, but a vanilla shake...yummy in preggo lady's tummy! I am so glad that the worst of my problems right now are an ear infection, a job change, and a dead battery. After all, my son is still relatively healthy, I have a job in an economically difficult time, and our truck is not broken. Praise God!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh .... poor Camp Family. Been there on the dead battery - one time in a rental truck. I called and opened a AAA account over the phone :-) Love to all and hope the rest of the week goes smoother. SarahC.

P.S. How's the class? Mine is good so far - much higher than last year!

Anonymous said...

Hehe, that's pretty rough.

Hang in there, sis!

Anonymous said...

oh my precious family..... I heard something about an ear infection before leaving for the north coast, but I didn't know about the truck. And then for a week, I have to admit that I only thought of my sisters and camping with them.
Good for Lucas that he is taking care of you as you would certainly do for him.

I'm glad to know that the class is going to be ok.


Anonymous said...

oh my precious family..... I heard something about an ear infection before leaving for the north coast, but I didn't know about the truck. And then for a week, I have to admit that I only thought of my sisters and camping with them.
Good for Lucas that he is taking care of you as you would certainly do for him.

I'm glad to know that the class is going to be ok.
