Monday, June 29, 2009

San Diego

In case you are wondering where I have been...I've moved in with my mom for a little bit. My internet access is limited mostly by the fact that I have been chasing two kiddos around a house that is not child proof. It's been draining, but fun.

I've had lots of story worthy moments, but no time to document them, so here's a quick overview:

Jack has taken his first step (7 months) and almost has his first tooth. I can see it, but it hasn't broken the skin. He says "Hi" and waves, he says Mamamama when I leave the room, he says dada when Lucas is here, and he calls his Uncle Nick "Nana".

Dean is working on his molars and talks nonstop. He narrates his every move and says all kinds of funny stuff that I can't remember right now. He loves the beach, enjoys story hour at the library, and was recently on TV with a baseball player from the San Diego Padres.

Lucas is working in Canada for 15 days on and 6 days off. We miss him and can't wait for the Canada job to end.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

For My own Purposes

When I took Jack to the doctor last Friday I found out that he is of course tall for his age and doing well with the eating. I was shocked to find that he had a double ear infection. OUCH! I am totally posting this here so that I can go back through my logs later on and count when the doctors start asking me how many ear infections he's had. With Dean I always stared at them and started trying to count. I had lost count after the 5th I think, then I'd get confused. With Jack, I hope I can always tell them 2. Cause that's how many he's had.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Say a Little Prayer...or a GREAT BIG one

Please, please pray for baby Zoey (almost a month old) and her family (my good friends). She got a fever yesterday and is being sent by helicopter to another better equipped hospital as I type. So far, the doctors have found some trouble with her kidneys.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Slow Down Jackety!

Ok, so I posted about Jack's new sitting up and a few days later he added a few stunts. He was already doing the army crawl, though it was backwards. Now he crawls and can pull himself into a standing up position. Kiddo's only 6 months old. If he's standing, doesn't that mean walking's just around the corner? I hope it's a long 4 monthsish corner.

Dean and I are still potty training. Now we're on hard core. Today we were sitting on the potty when he pulled this cardboard roll onto his lap and the toilet lid to lean against his back. "I'm Dora!" he declared, "see my packpack? Dis my eyegass" Great kid! Now pee already so we can go "explore" the livingroom or back yard OR SOMETHING, I thought to myself. Also, because I'm into trying tricks for better sleeping and now potty training (mostly to entertain myself), I tossed a Cherrio into the and told him to pee on it. He did. Then he looked at me with a haunted and horrified expression and exclaimed, "Those are for eating, Mop!" Oh dear. Bad Mop, bad!
And then these two pictures. The top one is Dean at about 4 1/2 or 5 months, the bottom is Jack at 6 months.