Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Drummin' Up a Bath
Fall Fun
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Six Flags Part II
Six Flags
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Lake
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween 2009
Mr. Clean
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Jack Walks
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Oh Poop
Monday, August 24, 2009
Dinner Conversation
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Smartie Pants
Friday, August 21, 2009
A Pocket Full Of...
Slip N' Slide
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Strength Training
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It's a Hard Job...But somebody's got to do it.
A New Chapter

Monday, June 29, 2009
San Diego
I've had lots of story worthy moments, but no time to document them, so here's a quick overview:
Jack has taken his first step (7 months) and almost has his first tooth. I can see it, but it hasn't broken the skin. He says "Hi" and waves, he says Mamamama when I leave the room, he says dada when Lucas is here, and he calls his Uncle Nick "Nana".
Dean is working on his molars and talks nonstop. He narrates his every move and says all kinds of funny stuff that I can't remember right now. He loves the beach, enjoys story hour at the library, and was recently on TV with a baseball player from the San Diego Padres.
Lucas is working in Canada for 15 days on and 6 days off. We miss him and can't wait for the Canada job to end.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
For My own Purposes
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Say a Little Prayer...or a GREAT BIG one
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Slow Down Jackety!
Ok, so I posted about Jack's new sitting up and a few days later he added a few stunts. He was already doing the army crawl, though it was backwards. Now he crawls and can pull himself into a standing up position. Kiddo's only 6 months old. If he's standing, doesn't that mean walking's just around the corner? I hope it's a long 4 monthsish corner.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Great Posture (5 months)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Precious Sleep
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Birthday Cake
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The conversations I've had since my leg injury have been more than humorous lately.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Imaginary Friend
When I Wish I had a Camera
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Laughable Part II
Jack's giggle is more timid than Dean's ever was, but it is just as sweet. Right now he finds my singing and dinnertime (with OOGA sound effects) to be hilarious. I saved you from my singing and gave you the food covered face.
Compare this video to my next post of Jack's giggling.
A conversation with Dean at 2 years old :
Dean: "Jack, That a big NO NO!" while waving his pointer finger in Jack's face for emphasis.
Me: "Dean, Jack's not doing anything wrong. You let mommy and daddy be the boss of Jack."
Dean (while looking seriously into my eyes): "No, mommy, you not boss. Daddy boss. Dean want to be boss too.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Serves Me Right
And then this happened... (a long winded action filled story, but not for those afraid of the dark and scary men who rob homes)
Both boys had finally fallen asleep for the night. I had this feeling that this would be one of THOSE nights. You know, the ones where both boys slept all night and mommy slept some too when she wasn't checking to see if they were still breathing. I snuggled deep into the bed. I closed my eyes and started to relax.
I heard noises outside that didn't sound right and neighbors yelling. I pushed Lucas awake and said "What is that?" which I probaby ask him at least 15 times a night. He relpied with his standard nightly reply, "It's just people outside." I started to tell him that these noises were DIFFERENT really different, but was interupted by a loud snore. His.
Suddenly I could hear someone breathing very loudly outside my window as his feet hit the ground hard. I could see lights flashing all around the house and more people yelling in the neighborhood. I shook Lucas awake and told him that someone was in the back yard. Call 911.
The 911 dispatcher told Lucas that a house a few streets over had been robbed and that the police were swarming the area looking for the other suspect. If I was on the phone I would have replied "I SUSPECT he's in my back yard right now." And he was.
We crouched (in case of stray bullets or something) in the hallway while we decided whether to wake and move the boys and the best place for hiding. We weren't sure if he had run through the yard and left or if he was still there somewhere. Within a few minutes a police officer was shining his flashlight through our windows which were locked but the shades were all up. Meanwhile I heard the guy who was hiding. He was alongside the outer wall to Jack's room and about 3 feet from Dean's bedroom window and on the opposite side of the house from the officer. I told Lucas to grab Jack and bring him into Dean's room. Even though it was so close to where the guy actually was, it seemed to be the room with the least windows and any room far away from him would put us all out in the open. As Lucas was bringing Jack down the hallway, I heard the police officer kicking down our fence (where the suspect was hiding) and the suspect shaking the outside door to our bedroom. I thought he was going to break the glass and come in.
You all know that Dean has sleeping issues and that Lucas and I have placed a lock on his door to lock him in when we're having a particularly rough night. I decided to lock us in at this point thinking that if the guy did make it in, that would be one more barrier between him and our family. He didn't come in.
Lucas and I sat there staring at eachother while I nursed Jack to keep him quiet. Does anyone realize how much more vulnerable a woman feels while she's holding a baby with her boob hanging out? There were a lot more crashing sounds (which turned out to be another section of our fence being knocked down) and a lot of men yelling "___________ City Police!" During all of this we realized that we didn't have a phone with us to call and see when it was ok to come out or to let someone know if he made it into the house. Lucas was going to run down the hallway to grab the phone, only we couldn't find the key that we hide in Dean's room to let ourselves back out in the case of an emergency. You know, like this one. Lucas had to pull everything down from the shelf in Dean's closet. He was still searching when someone began ringing our doorbell repeatedly and knocking.
I was wondering, do we answer the door? If we had a damn phone we could call the police station and ask them if it was an officer or if we should stay hidden. Then I got to thinking, maybe they'll break down the front door and come let us out of Dean's room. (funny). Finally Lucas found the key and went to the door. It was the officer who had knocked down our fences.
He let us know that both suspects of the robbery had been placed in custody. We thanked him for keeping our family safe, closed our door and tried to calm down.
I've had enough drama packed stories for now. I'd like to take a Scary Crap Happening to Members of Our Family vacation if you please.
Oh and this. Dean. Slept. Through. The. Entire. Thing. Not ONE FLIPPIN peep!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Army Pants and Pink Strollers
The best dollar I've ever spent on a toy for Dean was the one I spent on this pink stroller at his daycare provider's garage sale. Tonight my young man ventured around the block sporting camo pants and a tough guy motorcycle jacket while pushing his baby around in a pink stroller. He's taking a picture of his baby while I take a picture of mine.
Show above: Healthy mom with new short haircut and healthy growing way too fast Jackety Jack as I've been calling him.
Today I had my numbers done. You know for Cholesterol levels, Body Mass Index, Heart Rate...etc. My results came back to show that I was in outstanding health with amazingly low low low blood pressure. Low enough the guy had to redo it 3 times to make sure it was working. At the end of my testing he told me to keep doing whatever it was that I was doing. I responded, "I can totally keep eating a half a bag of chocolate chips every night!" Seriously people...a HALF a bag...almost nightly. The insanity must stop!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Picture Gazing
Dean: Who is that little boy momma?
Me: That's you. That's Dean holding his hammer.
Turns page.
Dean: What is that little boy doing with daddy?
Me: That little boy is you, Dean. About 6 months ago. You and Daddy are playing with some toys.
Dean: That's MY daddy. (rather indignant)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Messy Eater
The result of course is his hands in the way and rice cereal drrriiipppiiinggg down his face, eyebrow, hair...well you get (or see) the picture. Man he's a cutie!
Also in our news...
Jack rolled over about two weeks ago at daycare. I missed it. He hasn't done it again since.
And, Lucas' leg seems to be healing, but he's got an icky tummy virus today. Poor guy.
Back Logged
These boots were made for walking (and watching TV). His favorite shows are Kai Lan and Dora.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Sleep Dear Child
I know Mom, the poop is my payback. I am truly sorry about that...
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Blood and Guts
Dean has recently figured out that he can escape the house from our master bathroom so long as mommy and daddy have left their bedroom unlocked. Periodically he will wander back and check the door to see if we've forgotten or been lazy. After a super fun birthday pool party that we attended yesterday, we of course had a ton of chores and catching up to do today so that our work week will function more smoothly. Lucas was very dutifully sorting laundry while I nursed Jack. Dean was suddenly very quiet, which if you know my noisy son, that is a dead give away that something is up...Or in this case, out ... in the back yard riding his new "moto-bicycle" as he calls his bike. Lucas went out and rounded the poor boy up, but before he could make it all the way in the house (via the sliding glass door), Dean was booking it through the house to the bedroom again to make a quick escape. Lucas of course was onto him and bolted quickly to catch Dean before he got away with it again (and to lock the door). When Lucas got to the door to our bedroom, disaster struck.
Dean has a habit (a good one) of closing doors behind him. When Lucas opened our bedroom door, it slammed against the wall and bounced back. Our lever door knob handle rammed into Lucas' thigh/groin area splitting it open.
Dean is a sweet child really. So he tried to comfort daddy by lying on the floor next to him and showing daddy his own owie and Curious George bandaid on his foot. Daddy was in too much pain to even talk at this point, but the little guy trucked on.
Finally Daddy yelled out OW and my wondering out on the couch finally ceased. Yes, someone is hurt. Jack and I went to investigate and what I found was possibly one of the more shocking things I have ever found (aside from the trail of blood in our house when my youngest brother cut off his toe). Lucas pulled back his pants to reveal a gaping wound that had parts of his leg oozing out.
I had never seen the inside of someone's leg before. Anytime something like that is on TV I turn my head and if it continues I ask Lucas if we can PLEASE turn the channel. There was no channel turning this morning. Only quick (and shaky) action.
After taking the boys to the neighbor's house for a long visit, 4 hours ish in the ER, and 15 stitches, the doctor was able to push and pull Lucas back together and send the poor boy home. Dean is very sorry. I know because he's been going around the house telling everyone (and thing). "I sowwy bear." "I sowwy Daddy." "I sowwy dishwasher." My poor boys.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A Birthday Message
Dearest Dean,
You are two years old today.
I love that you are powerful and spirited. You have an overflowing energy that I sometimes wish I could tap into. This year you have morphed from a little baby who knew what he wanted, but couldn’t express himself to a young boy who can talk and talk. I am excited to finally hear all of those deep thoughts you have and understand the world as you see it.
Along with all of that spirit, you are a kind and generous boy. You are constantly worried about your little brother and often check to make sure he has all that he needs. I love that you care about him so much and look forward to the time when you understand how to do so with the gentleness that you intend.
You like to spend time wrestling with Dad, watching Dora, and cleaning the house. If you decide to always enjoy cleaning the house while you’re growing up, that would be ok with me. I’ll even show you how to sweep things into a pile because I know how frustrated you get when the food ends up spread out all over the kitchen.
Today when I dropped you off at daycare, you didn’t wine or grab my leg to try to get me to stay. You said “Bye Bye Mommy.” and then totally ignored me. I want you to feel that comfortable, but I was a little sad because you’re already growing up and will need me less and less.
Thank you for teaching me how to be a mom. You’ve helped me to become a less selfish person and you’ve taught me to love someone in a brand new way. The way a mom loves her son.
Monday, February 2, 2009
So quick update. Dean is not the only one with an ear infection...apparently Jack has one too. My poor sweet babies. In the meantime my other babies (the 8 year olds I teach) are giving substitute after substitute havick. Because, you know, the world has ended when you teacher doesn't come to school for a few days.
On a funny note. I've been saying "darn it" a lot lately. Thinking it was a good alternative to some other words I could say when something doesn't go right. Only, Dean can't make to R sound and only says "Damn it". Oooops. Sorry little dude, but I think I taught you your first curse word. And how to say "dude" which you think is hilarious.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Another One Bites the Dust
On a happier note (well for me), Lucas and I are doing the biggest loser here at home. Yup it's time to lose the baby weight (for both of us) and try to live a bit healthier for our kiddos. We've decided to weigh in weekly, but reward monthly. For the month of January I won. I lost 4% of my total weight and was able to keep my milk supply strong. Go me! This month, my reward is that Lucas will change all diapers for 24 hours. If he'd won, he'd get a 3 hour uninterupted nap.
Now...what do I want to win for the month of February. Time to start thinking.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tone Deaf
Dean does have another double whammy infection with some concern that his right eardrum may burst during the night. Poor thing! He'd been telling me for the last two nights that he needed an "Eye pah" (ice pack) and was very adamant about it. I gave him one because I was curious what hurt, and he put it on an old scratch on his finger. Confused I am...
Today Dean was yelling at Jack telling him not to pee on him. Jack found this thrilling, so he grinned and grinned at him. Funny.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sing to Me
Ok, I had to include a video of Dean too. This one cracks me up. Dean can sing in tune and knows many songs, but for some reason when he plays his Mary Had a Little Lamb puzzle he sings it like this. What a goof!
Meet Jack
Sucking Thumb
I haven't written much about Jack for lots of reasons. The main one being that I prefer to spend my time enjoying him instead of taking pictures and typing. The other being that after two months I still haven't figured out how to put what I am feeling into words. He is amazing and I am enjoying him in a way that I never knew I could. What's more is that his addition to the family has given me a different kind of love for Dean. I thought I was already loving him with all of the love I could muster, but apparently that just grows.
Jack's 9 weeks old now. When Dean was 9 weeks old, he finally learned how to nurse. I struggled for every ounce of milk and was never able to give him a full feeding without formula to help us along. With Jack eating easily I don't have that problem, but my thoughts are rooted deeply in the past. This morning I threw away 14 bottles of breastmilk (I have over 20 left the freezer) and I am still having difficulty leaving them in there. It is after 3. Logically, I know that I pump an extra bottle a day at work and freeze it. That's over 20 bottles a month. Jack is not going to starve and I'm prefectly fine with giving him formula if it came to that anyway. But...that milk in those little bags is like gold. The gold of which my precious Dean never seemed to get enough.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Where's the Memo
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Then, this morning, in the way things like to change in my household, it all changed again. For once, it was a change that was easy to swallow. Lucas was told that a boss had pulled a few strings and managed a position down here for him that would get him through my school year at least. Yahoo! So we'll all be here until which point I imagine we'll move.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tag Team
Last night my night looked a little bit different. Jack went down for the night and was up by 12 ready to eat again. He finally drifted off again about an hour later. Dean was awake within minutes stripping off his PJs and talking about how he was going to get dressed. "I go Miss Su-ey. I go Miss Suey." Miss Suzie is his daycare provider. We tried to tell him that it was night night time and that Miss Suzie was alseep, but he'd see her later that morning...after he slept some more. Well, he did finally sleep some more after screaming until around 3ish. At which point he tagged Jack, who awoke hungry again. I think I was up from 12-4:30. Then up again to get ready for work by 5:30. Man am I tired, but man do I love them.
Poor Dean. I'm upset when he fights me over taking the dearly beloved PJ's off. Then when he's finally ready to do it without a fight, I tell him he has to leave them on. Oh, the confusion.