Yup, there's still a baby in my belly. Some great things about this baby: It is still moving...a lot. It has quiet times where it seems to be resting (Dean didn't). He has a fun name and some really cute announcements. He has some little bitty feet and toes. I can feel them through the skin on my tummy. Toes people!
I've started my 10
th day of labor, though this one seems less eventful than others because things have really slowed down in my body. My poor mother drove down the night of Day 1 because we thought surely the doc's diagnosis of true labor contractions meant that I'd be having the baby ANY MINUTE. She's still here. Her work office is still wondering when she'll return. I'm still calling my office every day and humiliating myself with the news of still no baby, sorry I left in such a rush 10 DAYS AGO, I just really didn't want to face another day with those cute little third graders.
We have tried some goofy things to get the labor progressing and "just in case". We've made multiple trips to the local drug store for things like jolly ranchers for the hard core labor, baby safe q-tips, raspberry leaf tea (to promote labor, and which we have yet to find), etc. We've been shopping for DAYS looking for Christmas presents my mom needs to buy anyway and crafty Christmas needlework, which we also have yet to find. We've walked, and walked, and walked. We've push pressure points you're not supposed to push. We've eaten spicy foods, gotten pedicures, sat for hours on birthing balls, cleaned, nested, etc. Our baby announcements are all crafty, cute, and ready for us to put the important things on them. You know, like the date of birth and the picture. I very carefully made a sample announcement first complete with the date of the 7
th. The 7
th came and went, so I changed it to the 9
th...AND PRINTED it again. As you can tell, that didn't help things along either.
The funniest part of all of this...
My due date is this coming Saturday. Yes, ladies and
gentlemen I have been waiting impatiently for almost 2 weeks for a baby that isn't due anyway. I would not be impatient, and could care less how quickly he comes...except did I mention that I've been having the really strong take my breath away cramps that cause a lot of aching and pain in my nether regions called CONTRACTIONS. I always knew God would teach me patience one day. I hope he is successful this time because I really don't want another lesson like this.
Well my little one. Today would be a great birth day. I know a wonderful
person who was born today. She is witty, hilarious, crafty, gentle, creative, soothing, and a great mother. If that doesn't work for you, tomorrow would also be a great day. I know someone (her daughter) who was born on that day. She is spunky, crazy, funny, energetic, always coming up with new ideas, and sees the world through eyes that bring joy and laughter to those around her.